Oct 01 2009

The company that shall not be named….

Published by at 3:50 pm under Just talking

I didn’t formally resign from “the company that shall not be named”.  Didn’t think I had to.  After all, if I had not signed the new agreement by September 30, I would be cut off from the world as I knew it forever and forever amen.

Didn’t happen.  I can still access my demo stuff and see that my very last ever and forever order will not arrive until next Monday.  My panic order.  You know.  The one when you have this gut wrenching fear that if you don’t order it now, it will be taken away from you, never to be accessible again until the end of time.  Yeah, that one.

I thought I might be in a panic once October 1st got here.  Nope.  Feeling pretty darn good, actually!

Just had to share!  Thanks for “listening”!

Broni signature

19 responses so far

19 Responses to “The company that shall not be named….”

  1. denise (peanutbee) says:

    Excellent post, cracked me up!…the “company that shall not be named”…”cut off from the world as I knew it”…too funny, Broni!

  2. Ida says:

    To Funny! – Well actually according to the IDA you technically have to send in a “Written Resignation” (Which I’ve done but so far I can still access my stuff too)to the “company that shall not be named.”
    Glad you survived the ordeal. Me too!

  3. Pat (mspfd) says:

    I was in the same place until I decided, hey girl, you can always find a demo to sell you the stuff, and nobody will be the boss of me!

  4. beate says:

    You crack me up. I placed a last order too. I was sad before I made my decision. Now I am playing giddily (is that a word) with non SU stamps and supplies.

    Hugs and smiles


  6. Linda C. says:

    Oh pleeeeese! I sure hope you didn’t lose a minute of sleep over your decision. You’re too good of an artist to be tied down to one company……especially a company that recycles their images!

  7. Susan says:

    Me too Broni! I sent in one last order. It’s bittersweet … I will miss ordering products, but I prefer to keep my options open. 🙂

  8. Nena says:

    I think you made the best decision. I have lost some respect for them myself. I was
    pleased with the way most of the blogs had a base use of their products and then
    added to them with different products. What Copics go with their paper etc. I think
    they had a great thing going and this will hurt them in the long run. The craft of card
    making has exploded over the past 3-4 years and they should have gone with the

  9. Haha! I thought I was the only one who thought that way about them. heheheee!

  10. Kittie says:

    Hahahahah! I sent a letter of resignation this week and got a reply that I had been terminated. I got on the site this morning and see that I can still get on. Ha! I got an email yesterday telling me that I had not met my quota for the quarter. Do they even know what is going on.

  11. LeAnne says:

    Oh, I feel the pain, Broni!!! I am still hanging in here but understand each & every person’s individual decision!
    I do love your new banner…..quite eye-catching!

  12. Elise says:

    Well, you had me at “the company that shall not be named…”

    Oh, Broni! Wish we could start a support group… I’m hanging in until the end of the catty year and hoping for a miracle. I’m just so financially committed, I couldn’t just walk away… {Now I feel like a big w_____!} Now, it’s like blogging with my hands tied behind my back! But I’m not in a position of “power” or responsibility to sponsors, etc. Either way, the “love is gone” and relationship tarnished. Hard to “believe” in the company that you feel “cut your fingers off!” We’ll see.

    I’m secretly delighted {not very secret anymore! Doh!} to see so many gals commenting on this and going through the same thing! I’m really proud of you guys! Best of luck, and yeah, you certainly don’t “need” the “company that shall not be named” but they will sure miss YOU! YEE HAW!

  13. debbie says:

    I also placed a Last Order. I had just become a demo in July and would have never become one if “the company that shall not be named” had given some indication of what was coming. I am new to blogging, don’t design for anyone, but my blog is where I get to be creative, and I don’t want any restrictions there. It’s not worth it. It would just take the fun out of it. Isn’t creativity and fun what this is all about? 🙂

  14. Joan Ervin says:

    You go girl…just stamp you sweet little heart out with what ever , when ever you want!!!!!!!

  15. Rose Ann says:

    Laughing here! I just received a notification that my resignation will be official on Nov. 1st from that “company that shall not be named”. 😉

  16. Oh has the deadline passed to sign the new IDA? Oops. So I’m supposed to take MY time to officially resign? HA! They can figure it out on their own! lol

  17. HA! They can figure it out on their own! lol.Now, it’s like blogging with my hands tied behind my back!

  18. Laughing here! Oh has the deadline passed to sign the new IDA? Oops.