Jul 06 2009

New toys and a Featured Stamper

Untamed crop

I got some new toys!!  A full set of Tombow markers…and I couldn’t wait to play!

Lucky for me, the Featured Stamper at Splitcoaststampers this week is (Sandra McLean (B-gin-r) who is a super-talented watercolorer.

I chose to use THIS CARD as my inspiration.  Of course mine is the little girl version of it!!   Sandra’s is just incredible!


I love using the Tombows!  And there are so many colors!   Basically I just watercolored with them by wetting the paper first, laying the color where I wanted it to be the darkest, then spreading it with my water brush.  (I decided to use patriotic colors too in celebration of the 4th!)

Thanks for visiting today!

Summer supplies button 1

12 responses so far

12 Responses to “New toys and a Featured Stamper”

  1. oooo do you get these to work well by wetting your paper first? I’ve had a difficult time with that! Anyhoo, terrific coloring and LOVE the card!

  2. Rose Ann says:

    This is just darling, Broni…and I love your wide ribbon, lace, and button!!

  3. Oh my gosh, your watercoloring is AMAZING…WOWS me every time!!

  4. Kittie says:

    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is gorgeous. I am enjoying using the Tombows too, Broni.

  5. Danielle says:

    Oh, she is so pretty! Fantastic coloring! Have fun with your new markers!!

  6. cwilliams says:

    OMGosh Broni this is fabulous, wow your watercoloring is just beautiful and I love that cute little girl image!!

  7. Elena says:

    Very cute card! I love your watercoloring, Broni! Love the ribbon bow!

  8. Linda C. says:


  9. Joan Ervin says:

    GASPPPPPP!!!!!! OMG, Broni…this is STUNNING!!!!! You are a master with the Tombow markers, for sure!!!!!

  10. Viv (VivLyn) says:

    Very cute, Broni! Love your coloring!!!

  11. Shel9999 says:

    THIS is GORGEOUS! I LOVE the coloring, the ribbons, the bling….ALL of it!!!

  12. Amy/rohla says:

    I need to get me some, Tombows–you make it sound so simple, Broni, but I know there’s a whole lotta talent behind these images!