Mar 23 2009

I’ve been tagged!

Published by at 6:00 am under Family,Just talking

My good friend Sherry decided to tag me a couple of days ago and it looked like it would be fun, so I’m playing along!  The tag is to open the My Pictures folder on your computer, open the 6th folder and then post the 6th photo.

This is my 6th in the 6th:

Edisto 2007

This was taken from the balcony of a beach house in Edisto, SC, looking out to the bay.  There were dolphins everywhere that week.  We had so much fun watching them play and I just couldn’t get enough pictures of them.

Just for fun, here are a few more from that peaceful, relaxing week:

Seagulls   Miles playing in the water

Sunset Miles in the sink

And here’s another one from that week that is probably one of my most favorites from all the pictures I’ve ever taken:

4 dolphins

Thanks for allowing me to share some favorite memories!!

The rules for this tag are as follows:

•Open your photo folder on your computer
•Open the 6th folder of photos
•Select the 6th picture
•Post the picture on your blog with a description
•Invite six friends to join the challenge
•Link your six friends to your blog post

Here are my 6 friends that I’m tagging and asking to play along:

Barbara, Cathy, Danielle, LeAnne, Tammy and Christine

After looking at all these pictures from the beach, I’m really ready for summer!

Smiley from

Thanks for visiting! Have a great day!

12 responses so far

12 Responses to “I’ve been tagged!”

  1. Danielle says:

    Great pictures Broni! I long for the warmer weather! We were over 50 yesterday and basked in the warmth of the sun in the backyard…today we will barely make 40! I froze my butt off at the bus stop this morning when it was 29! It just make us appreciate the warmer temps even more! Have a great day!

  2. Janet says:

    Broni – thank you so much for sharing these with us. I love them and it does look like you had a great time. I love the dolphin pictures – they are one of my favorite animals. Have a great day !!

  3. Wonderful pictures, Broni! Makes me long for summer, too!!!

  4. Susan says:

    That is pretty amazing! I’ve never seen a dolphin in real life. My husband saw a shark last summer while we were swimming at Litchfield beach ~ but thankfully I didn’t see it. I would have made a scene I’m sure!

    Thanks for sharing your great photos!

  5. cwilliams says:

    Wonderful photos Broni!!

  6. Elena says:

    Wow! These pictures are fantatstic! I have never seen dolpins in real life! How lucky you are!
    Thank you for sharing these pictures, Broni!

  7. Rose Ann says:

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos, Broni!! Good times!!

  8. LOL At first I thought that was a shark in the water! Great photos! Makes me want to get out of Northeast Ohio, that’s for sure! Thanks for the tag. Since I’m a bad mother and only take pictures of my cards most of the time, I don’t know if I’ll play along. I have yet to take time to see what’s in the sixth folder in My Pictures! LOL

  9. Vanessa Gilkes says:

    Ok, I know this is about rubber stamps and new sets released, but your photos made me want to go kayaking. Someone please design a kayak rubber stamp.

  10. Norma Jean says:

    I so love the pictures at the bottom of your blog! I absolutely LOVE

  11. Norma Jean says:

    Woops…accidentally hit return and it submitted…anyway, I LOVE dolphins!!! Love your card with the new set.

  12. Nancy says:

    I love your Easter eggs! Enjoyed your site – I’ll be back!