Feb 01 2008

My Happy Feet!

Published by at 7:53 pm under Just talking

I thought you might like to see how I’m keeping my feet warm these days!


Just thought I’d share!

Have a great weekend!

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “My Happy Feet!”

  1. Shel9999 says:

    LOL!! I LOVE those, Broni!!! I used to have a sock monkey! Lol. These are fabulous! Did you make them?

  2. hehe Monkey feet! Oh my gosh, my youngest would LOVE these! Are they a Target find?

  3. Kelly says:

    I love these! I collect monkeys, and have tons of sock monkeys! Please share where you found these…. 🙂

  4. Ha! They’re so cute!!! Love your cards too. 😉

  5. Cute tootsies — LOL!!!

  6. I actually delight in, contribute to I discovered what exactly I’d been trying to find. You have wrapped up the 4 evening prolonged look! Lord Cheers dude. Employ a fantastic working day. Bye